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Ertel concluded "this is strong evidence for concluding that Gauquelin,as trait extractor, was greatly influenced by his knowing the sectorpositions of the persons whose biographies he worked on" p. 13, andthat this was enough to explain Gauquelin's character trait results. Inother words Ertel had shown that, contrary to what heredity required,the planets were linked with occupation, not trait. Gauquelin'sobjections could have been resolved by analysing his student extractionsbefore selection, but he died before this could be done. For a detailedoverview see Correlation 162, 10 39, 1997. The Gauquelins at the second AA research conference at the Institute ofPsychiatry, London, in November 1981, where they spoke on their latestfindings.

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Jones book is suppose to tell us that most people are "too stupid to be alive", I'll agree. But blaming stupid people for being racists without an an analysis or acknowledgement of the economic reasons involved is a betrayal of scholarship. What did Obama achieve?How about bringing America outof the recession?How about Obamacare?How about rescuing the auto industry?Howabout the Paris climate accords?How about national environmental standards?How about the nuclear deal with Iran?It seems like you slept through much ofObama's administration. You write, "Using the equivalent of the NationalEnquirer as a resource to paint the entire population of the South as evilbeasts with no hope of redemption hardly advances the premise of Dr. Jones book. "What, specifically, is the "equivalent of the National Enquirer?" And where,specifically, does Dr. Jones "paint the entire population of the South as evilbeasts with no hope of redemption" Try rereading the last paragraph of myarticle, where I write "Obviously, there are many white Christians who are notwhite supremacists and who condemn white supremacy. " You might want to read my article more closely. You write, "But blaming stupid people forbeing racists without an an analysis or acknowledgement of the economic reasonsinvolved is a betrayal of scholarship. " Again, I suggest you read my articlemore closely. I specifically wrote, "We must never forget, however, as Ibram X.

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Of course, by watching your own moods and checking to see what color your ring turns, you can begin to develop your own chart and I venture to say it may be totally different than the general guidelines below. Each of our chemical make ups are unique to us so it stands to reason that a mood ring color chart will not fit everyone, no more than a particular symbol in a dream will mean the same to everyone. In general, each color has both a negative and positive interpretation. Be sure you tune in, internally, before deciding which one is correct for you. Of course, the more you tune in, internally, the less you will need an external read from a mood ring or any other spiritual tool. Then, the ring will have served its purpose for you, as a training tool.

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The Salvation Army has also joined in that effort, providingnearly 700 shelter spaces for homeless individuals during the pandemic. City of Chicago workers have also provided portablehandwashing stations and bathrooms in homeless encampments throughout the city,and medical teams are also visiting those areas to provide assistance toresidents. Finally, the city is extending its testing capabilities for coronavirus,and will continue to perform tests for shelter workers and residents. As the situation on the ground evolves, so do the needs ofresidents experiencing homelessness, DFSS Commissioner Lisa Morrison Butlersaid. From the start of this situation, the wellbeing of residents in sheltersand encampments has been a top priority at DFSS. We have adjusted strategies tolimit gaps in services and made real time decisions to ensure vulnerablepopulations in Chicago have access to every resource available for them to stayhealthy.

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" Isn't that exactly what Japan and the US claim right now?I ask "what difference does it make?" Indeed, isn't the domestic economy always the reason albeit severely misguided for currency debasement?And that of course is where things are already. Thus, the statements by Yi are perhaps an indication the already ongoing war is about to escalate. Source: 2012 lineup twisted metal sea lion si swimsuit 2012 westminster dog show abe lincoln vampire hunter xi jinping SEATTLE Reuters A boycott by Seattle teachers a widely used standardized test has attracted national attention and given new momentum to a growing protest movement that seeks to limit standardized testing in public schools. The revolt by Seattle public school teachers and students elsewhere comes at a time of bitter political wrangling over how best to reinvigorate a $525 billion public school system that leaves American children lagging their counterparts in countries like Finland and South Korea. Yearly testing in reading and math for elementary school students required by former President George W. Bush's 2002 landmark testing law, known as "No Child Left Behind," exposed stark achievement gaps in many schools, mainly along racial and economic lines, and spurred interventions to help struggling kids. Sandy Kress, a former advisor to Bush on the law, and lobbyist for Pearson, said focusing too much on test scores alone will, in the end, cheat students out of the kind of quality education that sometimes can't be measured by standardized tests. "If it's all back to just grades. a lot of people will have an easy time for about 10 years, but later our kids will suffer dramatically," Kress said. "Should you assess kids every year?Yes," Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said recently. He added he was "more than sympathetic" to growing concerns about over testing in school districts, some of which run standardized tests multiple times each year.

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