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For example, a first year medical student during summer break might act as a scribe during a summer employment. The educational mission of Southern Illinois University School of Medicine requires a fair and open learning and working environment. The ethical obligation to provide an environment that is free from exploitation, harassment, and discriminatory treatment of students is implicit in this mission. The entire university community suffers when the mistreatment of students is allowed to pervade the academic atmosphere through neglect, the absence of a policy prohibiting it, or lack of education and training programs designed to clarify and promote the understanding of appropriate professional behavior on campus. In order to address this concern, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine has adopted the following policy. The faculty of the School of Medicine shall observe the following Standards of Conduct in their behavior toward students from Art.

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Do you need to use the definite article here or does it depend on the context?1. the existing infrastructureThis is fine even though infrastructure is a non count noun. It doesnt matter that its a non count noun. You dont need to use the if you are talking about infrastructure in general:We need to invest more in infrastructure. In your sentence, however, you are talking about infrastructure in a specific location that already exists, so its OK to use the. Again, if you were talking about public space in general, you would use the:We need more public space in the city.

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Yoga is an ancient approach to health that originated in India. There are many schools and approaches to yoga. Most people are familiar with the practice of yoga as moving through or holding physical poses or asanas. Other yoga techniques include control of the breath or prana, and meditation. Program outcomes vary according to each institution's specific curriculum and employment opportunities are not guaranteed.

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In her interviews, Jackie freely used a first name but no last name of the lifeguard she said had orchestrated her rape. On Sept. 16, for the first time, Erdely raised the possibility of tracking this man down. No, I just know hes graduated. Ive blocked him on Facebook, Jackie replied. One of my friends looked him up she wanted to see him so she could recognize and kill him, Jackie said, laughing. I couldnt even look at his Facebook page. That exchange inaugurated a six week struggle between Erdely and Jackie. For a while, it seemed to Erdely as if the stalemate might lead Jackie to withdraw from cooperation altogether. On Oct. 20, Erdely asked again for the mans last name.

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" She said: "If we can 9 look and now even breathe more like the healthy 10 bodies, will they also then functionally behave more like those tissues?" She said bio printing could become 11 . Scientists hope this method will help millions 12 transplants. Scientistsadvancedthepossibilityofreproducingthebody'sorgansbyu sing3Dprinting. Scientistscouldmakeorgansbyusingbio printing. Sci entistscouldcreatenetworksofthintubes,likethoseusedinourbodytol etbloodflow. Thesearecalledvascularnetworks. Abio engineersaido neproblemtocreatetissuereplacementshasbeenaninabilitytoprintco mplexvascularnetworksthatcansupplynutrientstotissue. Anotherpro fessorwroteaboutthedifficultyofrecreatingvascularnetworks. Shesai d:"Tissueengineeringhasstruggledwiththisforageneration. "Shesaid :"Ifwecanprinttissuesthatlookandnowevenbreathemorelikethehealt hytissuesinourbodies,willtheyalsothenfunctionallybehavemoreliket hosetissues?"Shesaidbio printingcouldbecomeapopulartherapy. Sc ientistshopethismethodwillhelpmillionswaitingfororgantransplants.

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