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it's the wider potential. If we allow any corporations now to dictate to us what information we can and cannot look at, by their own judgement alone, then we are opening ourselves up to digital dictatorship and rolling over to that, is basically saying "sure, we are sheep now, big business leads and we will follow!". Not a chance!It's Orwellian and they have no right to tell me or anybody else what we can and can't look at online, especially if they can censor what they want at will without it going through any kind of due process. what if there's something they don't like and wish covered up?No wonder Rupert Murdoch supports the bill. It is incredible isn't it!Quite difficult in parts though as it's not easy to find practical, real world situations to apply it and practice. then you end up forgetting some of it through lack of use, or at least I have, and when you know it would be so useful in other situations that's frustrating.

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If the leader is unsure of the parents condition, they should complete an incident report, notify their direct supervisor and watch for additional indicators of harm. If they see further indicators, they should report this to authorities as noted above. 7g Q: If we suspect a minor is self harming what would be the proper action to take?Do we have a legal requirement to report our concern to their parents?A: The young person harming him/herself is crying out in pain. I have been told that as high as 60 80% of young people that are cutting have been abused in some way. The pain within is so intense they are trying to draw attention away from that pain. The self injury is a coping mechanism. The one suspecting the self harming behaviour can talk with the minor about it. The concern should also be shared with the parent although I don't believe there is any legal requirement just a moral one. As a parent, I would want to know that my child was self harming and provide whatever is needed to help my child overcome this. The parents response will likely clarify whether there is now a legal duty to report to Childrens Aid Society / Child and Family Services. The ACT reads, if a child is in need of protection we have a duty to report.

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Ive read three dictionaries and I cant find a single other situation in which the management is used. other than in the structure the management of. Hey thanks a lot for explaining in details about where to use and where not to use the. I used to be always confused but I think using the is clear to me. i am very bad in english but after your lesson i think i am improving it day by day . will you please help me for which article do i have to use for statement Did you see the film on . ?. TV last night? and I always listen to . ?. radio on my way into work can i use the at both?1. Did you see the film on TV last night? You dont need to use the here because you are not talking about a specific TV, like the TV in the bedroom.

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The City of London Corporation has announced the name of its new chief planner as the previous incumbent takes up a new role at the Bartlett at University College London. In a statement on Friday the City of London said its City planning officer, Peter Rees, will join The Bartlett at University College London in April after 29 years at the corporation. Rees, who studied architecture at The Bartlett, will become professor of places and city planning as part of a three year professorship with the first year sponsored by the City Corporation. Rees said: "I am delighted to be returning to The Bartlett after almost three decades at the City. My professorship will enable me to continue my affair with London and my involvement in the capitals evolution. "The Square Mile will always be a special place for me and I have enjoyed having a hand in its transformation since 1985. Having played in the premier league for one of the worlds most successful cities I am thrilled to be joining the team at one of the worlds finest universities. "My time as city planning officer for the City of London has demonstrated what can be achieved when you are in the right place, at the right time with the right team. None of it would have been possible without the skilled and dedicated colleagues in whose safe hands I leave the regeneration of the City. "The City Corporation said Annie Hampson will take on new responsibility as chief planning officer and development director. Hampson joined the City of London Corporation in August 1989 as assistant city planning officer, before being promoted to planning services and development director in August 1997.

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Because it feels true, does not make it true. Weird. My friend liked this post on FB and I instantly thought of this Cracked article. Ive sent this to her saying look, THIS is how its done. As for Raymmar, dude, chill, we get you, youre too intelligent for this word, too cultured, too well read, youre pretty, you have a huge dick even I wet my panties slightly when I read this pretentious thing. becauseyou.

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